Project Results/Outputs 

Sediment transport measurements

Sediment transport measurements at the Danube in the SK-AT border region were performed in May 2018 

Ship measurement 

Ship measurement for taking volumetric samples and for measuring sediment transport measurements at the Danube in the SK-AT border region were performed in November 2018.

Map of numerical models 

Map of considered numerical models and sediment transport measurement sites in the Austrian Danube and in the border region (SK-AT). Data source: viadonau 


Glas M., Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Pessenlehner, S., Habersack, H. Numerical groyne layout optimisation for restoration projects in large rivers: An adaptive approach towards a desired morphodynamic equilibrium. River Flow 2018. E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02002 (2018).

Model results 

Model results of the calibrated and validated 3D hydrodynamic model of the border reach (SK-AT) for several discharges including a flood with a return period of 100 years.


Sindelar C., Schobesberger, J., Lichtneger, P., Hauer, C., Habersack, H., Neue Entwicklungen im wasserbaulichen Modellversuchswesen zum Sedimenttransport. Österr Wasser- und Abfallw 2019 71:160–169. 

Film report on euronews 1.0

Scientists from Austria and Slovakia look at how the Danube can be sustainably managed and want to provide solutions.

Film report euronews 2.0

Researchers measure the behavior of the river, looking at any imbalance between the sediment and the flow.

Film report ORF - BOKU Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory  

The hydraulic engineering laboratory was presented in a filmreport on 28.02.2021. 


IZAKOVIČOVÁ, Zita - MIKLÓS, László - MIKLÓSOVÁ, Viktória - RANIAK, Andrej. Integrated approach to the management of the landscape for the implementation of the Danube strategy [Implementácia integrovaného prístupu k manažmentu krajiny v rámci Dunajskej stratégie]. In Ekológia (Bratislava) : international journal for ecological problems of the biosphere, 2020, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 357-379.


Laco, I. Assessment of the Selected Regulating Ecosystem Services Using Ecosystem Services Matrix in Two Model Areas: Special Nature Reserve Obedska Bara (Serbia) and Protected Landscape Area Dunajske Luhy (Slovakia). Land 2021, 10, 1401.   


KOLLÁR, Jozef - PALAJ, Andrej. Príspevok k poznaniu lesnej vegetácie agradačného valu Dunaja v časti dotknutej VD Gabčíkovo [Contribution to the knowledge of forest vegetation of Danubian aggradation mound in the part affected by the Gabčíkovo waterworks]. In Phytopedon (Bratislava), 2021, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 1-7. 

Press release

Combating the impact of manmade issues on the Danube River. By Cyril Fourneris. Updated 25.11.2021


During the UAV workshop at the Slovak institute of Science (ILE SAS) in Bratislava (Figure 1), airborne data derived in combination with a joint measurement in November 2021, were used to show participants the potential applications in terms of river engineering and ecology. The workshop focused on the acquisition and processing of remote sensing data using UAV systems. The main presentation in the workshop about UAV training was held by the Slovakian company SKYMOVE. Experts from various field of sciences (ecology, water management) and from both countries (SK, AT) participated at the workshop. 

Press release 

Haimann, M., Glas, M., Pessenlehner, S., Baranya, S., Holubova, K., Gmeiner, P., Habersack H. (2022) Sediment research and management – Transnational tasks along the Danube River. Danube News - June 2022 - No. 45 - Volume 24 

Workshop on physical modelling 18.10.2022 

3 Groups of students from the Slovak Technical University participated on a workshop on physical modelling at the laboratory at VUVH, Bratislava.

Stakeholder workshop 27.10.2022

A stakeholder workshop was held in Vienna for the project DREAM SK-AT (V021) and the project SEDDON II. Presentations of technical workpackages were performed and workshop session on the project results was performed

The cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovakia - Austria (click on the logo on the right to get to the website) is a European Funding Programme that encourages cross-border cooperation in the border region to find solutions for common regional challenges. 

The Program is financially supported by the ERDF Regional Program 2014-2020.

Project Period: 01.04.2016 - 31.12.2022

Total Project Budget: € 13.511.287,6